Our Partners


Being one of Europe's leading research institutions, VTT is a visionary research, development and innovation organisation, that turns large global challenges into sustainable growth for business and society. Carbon-neutral solutions, Sustainable products and materials and Digital Technologies are the three business areas where VTT develop solutions, with the aim of creating sustainable growth, jobs and well-being - to bring hope!

On PAREMPI, VTT is mainly responsible for ensuring the overall management, administration, coordination and execution of the project, in accordance with the Grant Agreement. VTT is responsible for heavy-duty measurements, characterisation of gases and semivolatile emissions and evaluation of robust measurement systems. VTT is also responsible for policy recommendations, and as the project coordinator, heavily involved in creating an exploitation plan.


Tampere University

Tampere University is one of the most multidisciplinary universities in Finland, bringing together research and education in technology, health and society. Created through a merger between the University of Tampere and the Tampere University of Technology in 2019, Tampere University has now a community of over 21,000 students and 4,000 staff members.

In PAREMPI, detailed characterization of exhaust aerosols as well as investigations on VOC gas-phase chemistry are main tasks in charge of Tampere University. Both of them are aiming for better understanding of gaseous and particulate emissions, formation of secondary aerosols, and toxicity of emissions.


Finnish Meteorological Institute

The Finnish Meteorological Institute exists for society's safety and smooth operation, making observations and research on the atmosphere, the near space and the seas. It also provides services on weather, sea, air quality, climate and near space and information that have the power to change the world.

In PAREMPI, leading WP5, participating to experimental measurements and collecting a database of gaseous, semivolatile and particle emissions, secondary aerosols and toxicity (in-vitro and in- vivo) are the main responsibilities of the Finnish Meteorological Institute, which is also in charge of summarising scientific evidence for the scientific society.


Lund University

Being consistently ranked among the top 100 universities in the world, Lund University unites efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition. The unique disciplinary range encourages boundary-crossing collaborations both within academia and with wider society, creating unique conditions for the 46 000 university students to innovate!

Lund University, as WP3 leader, will work on modelling atmospheric SecA concentrations, on simulating gas-to-cluster-to-aerosol dynamics to infer total PM formation potential and on the ePMI module development, capable of predicting SecA formation potential from precursor emissions. The University is also responsible for assessing the health impact and societal costs of the emissions.



Founded in 1972, BOSMAL Automotive Research and Development Institute Ltd specialised in conducting research and development as well as manufacturing activities for domestic and foreign companies, mainly in the automotive sector. Aiming to provide services and products of quality that will continuously deserve the approval of customers, BOSMAL invests in cooperation relationships with many knowledgeable players in the field.

In PAREMPI, the Institute leads WP2, which aims to identify the gaps in knowledge on gaseous, semivolatile and particle emissions, secondary aerosols and toxicity, to create the matrix of complementary measurements.



ONERA is a multidisciplinary organization in the research fields of aeronautics, space and defence, that brings expertise to government programs, both institutional and industrial. Aiming to design, develop and deploy the resources required to conduct research activities in the aerospace field, the French Aerospace Lab collaborates with multiple organisations with the purpose of contributing, in its field of competence, to the training policy on research and through research.

In PAREMPI, ONERA collaborates in multiple work packages, namely by planning for complementary measurements based on the review of emissions, secondary aerosols and toxicity or helping finalise the matrix of complementary measurements.



Focused on supporting basic research across the biomedical spectrum, the Institute of Experimental Medicine - Czech Academy of Sciences is a recognized centre of basic biomedical research in the Czech Republic. The Institute develops projects focused on biomedical challenges, such as finding effective diagnostic markers and treatment of serious diseases associated with the ageing of the human population and considers in its research the impact of environmental pollution on human health.

In PAREMPI, the Institute of Experimental Medicine - Czech Academy of Sciences is the lead beneficiary of work package 4, dedicated to toxicity, health impact and external costs assessments. Its contribution will help mainly with the assessment of human-related toxicity of exhaust emissions and SecA from various transport sources and implement high throughput microscopic screening.

Czech Republic

Magellan Circle

Magellan Circle is a private company specialised in EU Affairs and funding, headquartered in Porto and with offices in Brussels and Genoa. It provides international consultancy services related to project management, fund scouting and strategic planning. Magellan Circle is also a beneficiary in several EU-funded projects where it is responsible for communication, dissemination and results exploitation activities.

In PAREMPI, Magellan Circle is in charge of all communication and dissemination activities, being also responsible for cross-cooperation, outreach activities and for organising policy workshops with consortium experts and invited stakeholders.


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