Transport Emissions Policy Recommendations Workshop

The PAREMPI project is organising a Policy Recommendations Workshop focused on transport emissions, set to take place in the afternoon of Monday, 13 May 2024. Co-organised by VTT, Magellan Circle and Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), the event will take place at FMI premises in Helsinki, Finland, however there will be an option to participate remotely.

This workshop will convene to address pressing air quality issues and environmental policies. Through project presentations and stakeholder discussions, the workshop aims to collaboratively tackle challenges and explore solutions for mitigating air pollution and fostering sustainability.

The policy recommendations workshop will introduce four ongoing Horizon Europe research projects (PAREMPI, AEROSOLS, EASVOLEE and GREEN RAY) on transport-derived emissions and their contribution to the formation of the secondary aerosols, health effects and related external costs. The workshop will include presentations and a panel session highlighting perspectives from both policymakers as well as stakeholders from the road, marine and aviation sectors. A detailed agenda will follow soon.

The workshop is organised by the PAREMPI project and is open, however registration is required. The registrations are open until 7 May 2024 EOB.


An online link will be provided for those interested in participating remotely closer to the date. The half-day workshop is organised on 13 May 2024, at 14:30-17:30 (EET).

DOWNLOAD the final agenda.


14:30 (EET) Welcome
EU Projects presentations

Opening words: 
Andrea Hrzic, Magellan Circle
PAREMPI Päivi Aakko-Saksa, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
EASVOLEE Spyros Pandis, University of Patras
AEROSOLS Soheil Zeraati Rezaei, University of Birmingham
GREEN RAY Kati Lehtoranta, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

15:40 (EET)
Policies: Transport emissions
Tuuli Ojala, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Finland

16:10 (EET)
Panel discussion – Public authorities and industry

Moderated by Päivi Aakko-Saksa, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland & Hilkka Timonen, Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI)
Synthesis of remotely communicated views by 
Topi Rönkkö, Tampere University

– Ricardo Suarez-Bertoa, European Commission Joint Research Centre
– Jukka Nuottimäki, Neste
– Tuuli Ojala, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Finland
– Jyrki Ristimäki, Royal Caribbean Group17:10 (EET) Q&A

17:30 (EET) End of day


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